MedX Low Back and Neck Testing and Strengthening Program

In 1986, Arthur Jones, founder of Nautilus, created MedX Corporation. His mission was to perfect medical equipment for testing human strength, endurance, and range of motion.

Who is a candidate for using this system?

MedX medical equipment is recognized as the "Gold Standard" for treating and reducing chronic back pain and dysfunction through specific spinal strengthening. Weakness of the musculature of the spine can lead to many conditions such as herniated discs, facet syndrome, and degenerative joint disease. It is recommended for post-surgical rehabilitation, the average "sprain/strain" injury, and anyone suffering from chronic or acute low back and neck pain.

How it works.

This equipment effectively stabilizes the torso to achieve muscle isolation. The computerized equipment provides a comparison of the patient's strength and range of motion (ROM) to age and gender matched norms. A typical MedX program is 2 times a week for 4 weeks. It consists of an initial test, 3 1/2 weeks of training, and then a progress test which is compared to the initial test. Upon completion of the MedX program, all patients are instructed on exercise programs to keep their back and/or neck strong. Patients are also offered a reduced price membership to Carroll Fitness World and a space (if wanted) on our "MedX Wall of Fame."

Benefits of the MedX Program:

  • Decreased Pain Levels
  • Restored Spinal Function
  • Improved Quality of Life

Biodex System for Joint Testing and Strengthening

The Biodex multi-joint extremity testing systems and lift simulator have been rated the highest in the field for accuracy and reliability. These systems provide advanced treatment for dysfunction or injury of:
  • knee
  • shoulder
  • elbow
  • ankle
  • wrist

Patients are able to test and train on this equipment with the joints isolated and surrounding musculature in biomechanically correct positions and at speeds that replicate function. This technologically advanced system also permits the earliest possible post-operative intervention to decrease joint effusion (increase fluid), increase range of motion, and develop strength.

MedX and Biodex Testing and Strengthening SystemsThe Biodex Lift Simulator is used for pre-placement testing, functional capacity evaluations, and work-hardening programs.

Some of the professional sports teams that use or have used the Biodex systems to test and train their athletes include: NY Giants, Dallas Cowboys, San Francisco 49ers, Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos, Indianapolis Colts, Philadelphia Phillies, Los Angeles Dodgers, Kansas City Royals, Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Lakers, Orlando Magic..and those are just to name a few!

If you think you are a candidate or are interested in learning more about the MedX or Biodex systems, please don't hesitate to call us at 712-792-4000 to schedule an evaluation with our Physical Therapist.